Integrating Peer Assessment in Complex Topics in Natural Science & Biology-Related Courses

Mary Armour
York University
Andreas Heyland
University of Guelph
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Science-related courses come with complex topics that build off one another in order to fully master a concept. With the help of peer assessment, both Prof. Mary Armour of York University and Andreas Heyland of the University of Guelph, are able to present intricate topics to their students and support their learning with the help of online collaboration.

Check out our full recording and download the slide deck to see how you can adapt activities and key takeaways to your own courses to provide a more enriching learning experience for your students with peer assessment.

Whether you are teaching the complex learnings of natural sciences or biology, the integration of peer assessment supports collaboration amongst all students where they work together in providing each other motivational feedback to implement into their future assignments. 

What to expect:

  • Learnings and strong practices when implementing peer assessment
  • Preparing students for peer evaluations
  • Peer assessment activity examples in natural science and integrative biology courses
  • Live discussion focusing on improving collaboration, reflection, and work quality
  • Impact on student engagement, understanding of course concepts, social interactions, and accountability
  • A short walkthrough of Kritik's peer assessment platform and key features
  • 15 minutes of Q&A

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